Spaceworx - Smart Workspace

Smart works

Connect to any building

control system or LOT device.

  • Lucy is built on the back of 2 decades of experience in smart buildings

  • Use connectors to connect your on-premise control systems to Lucy

  • These can be industrial systems running BACnet, Modbus, OPC or IoT devices publishing over MQTT or web Services

Driven Digitally cyber protection

Connect to any on-premise system

Need to securely access data from your on-premise system and integrate it with cloud services?

We have on-premise gateways you can deploy to access local data. You can also use our Connector Kit to build your own gateway to talk to Lucy.

Cloud Services

Connect to any cloud service

Lucy ships with connectors for many popular cloud services and systems such as Google Docs, Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow

Lucy ships with connectors for many popular cloud services and systems such as Google Docs, Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow

Lucy ships with connectors for many popular cloud services and systems such as Google Docs, Office 365, Salesforce, ServiceNow

Smarter Workplace

Design a smarter and more collaborative workplace using our pre-composed smart workplace bundles.

Composable Solution

We can plug your workspace’s hardware, software and dashboards into each other like Lego blocks. If you can’t find the solution you need, we can help you build it.

Interconnected Workplace

Design a smarter and more collaborative workplace using our pre-composed smart workplace bundles.


The Spaceworx Marketplace is a one-stop-shop for Workplace Managers to source smart workplace bundle solutions to suit your needs and budgets.